Monday, April 14, 2014

Experimenting Fun

 Of all the art I created using markers I never really attempted realism. So I push myself to create this lovely test piece. I mainly wanted to improve upon my eye drawing ability to further try to make them realistic. Along the way I decide to experiment with coloring skin. Overall, I am very happy with the result. Coloring with markers is trickier than using colored pencils due to the fact I'm working with ink. Whatever mistakes I do make require more finesse to fix, if possible.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a lot of process shots of this piece. The digital camera has officially crapped out and died. I've taken some pictures on my phone, but I prefer camera quality over iphone. Looks like I have some money to save.

I set down some blue-violet to mark where the darkest shadows are going to be.

Some pictures of the skin being worked on. I mostly went from light to dark without blending first. Once I was pleased about the color placement I then went back to blend everything to help smooth it out.

Title: The Eyes Have It
Medium: Copic markers, white gel pen, Copic opaque white
Paper: 9x12 Strathmore Smooth Bristol

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